An architectural gem
Immersed in an ample private garden with a swimming pool and a tennis court and set in the center of Milan, the Necchi Campiglio Villa was completed by the architect Piero Portaluppi in 1935. Commissioning the structure was the Necchi Campiglio family, part of the rich and elegant industrial middle class of Milan in the 1930s. The disposition of the interior spaces corresponds to the traditional layout of noble homes: the daytime areas on the ground floor, the bedrooms on the first floor, the service rooms in the areas under the roof, and the den as well as the changing rooms and the bathrooms for the pool in the basement. The Necchi Campiglio family wanted above all to distance themselves from the traditions of their day, and planned ample areas dedicated to the reception of guests and to the social whirl: the dining room, the smoking room, the library and the grand salon. Right after WWII, areas of the villa underwent changes effected by the architect Tomaso Buzzi, who sweetened the linearity of Portaluppi’s style, and inserted aspects inspired of the 18th century, especially those in the style of Louis the 15th of France.
Via Mozart 14, Milano
MM3 Montenapoleone oR Duomo
Open from 10am to 6pm
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Regular Ticket: € 15,00
Reduced Ticket Kids: € 9,00
Reduced Ticket Students: € 9,00
FAI Members: Free entry
For reservations click here.
Disabled visitors: more info here.
Case Museo Card € 25,00
Admission in all 4 House Museums
Music at Villa Necchi
From Wagner to Cage, the music questions architecture 4-11 February, 18-25 March 2023 DATES Saturday 4th of February at 17:30 the brasses of Vagues Saxophone Quartet will cross the American continent by reinterpreting great classics of modern literature such as West...
MEDITERRENEAN FLAVORS AND KNOLEDGES Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February 2023 Villa Necchi Campiglio will host the XI edition of AgruMI, a weekend to discover citrus fruits and their aromas, colors, and flavors. The rich exhibition will be set between the garden and...