In collaboration with Banca Generali and its partners Oddo Meriten and Morgan Stanley, ANIMA Sgr, Amundi Sgr, the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum gets into the Christmas spirit with a concert dedicated to its friends and supporters.
On Thursday the 14th of December at 7 PM, the rooms of the museum will be filled with the classical music melodies of Haendel and Vivaldi, but also with the warm and emotive sounds of the Four Porteñe Seasons of Astor Piazzolla, an eclectic and never-before-heard program that unites the classical elegance of the 18th century composers with the passionate compositions of the Argentine, interpreted by Scipione Sangiovanni, a pianist of international fame.
It is a musical evening of the highest quality, but also the opportunity to get together and to celebrate Christmas, toasting the honor of the museum and its supporters. The commentary is in Italian, but the music is universal!
Aren’t a supporter with big pockets? Don’t worry, even buying your simple entrance ticket helps. The event is open to everyone!
Thursday, December 15, 7 PM
Entrance fee: 9,00€
Seating is limited, reservations are strongly suggested
+39 02 7600 6132